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Externalising Mind

Main attributes:

Communication, Externalisation, Facts, Data, Measement, Objectivity, Structure, Process, Practicality, innovation, Technology, Design and Implementation.


Externalising mind is tied to the external things, sensory data in particular. It depends on the sense-mind, sees only objects, external actions, draws its ideas from the data given by external things, infers from them only and knows no other Truth until it is enlightened from above. It reasons, but on the basis of external data mostly—on things as they appear to the outer mind and senses or the habitual ideas to which it is accustomed or to a purely external knowledge. Physical Science is a vast extension of this mentality. It corrects the errors of the sense and pushes beyond the first limitations of the sense-mind by discovering means of bringing facts and objects not seizable by our corporeal organs into the field of objectivity. Its test of the real is possibility of verification by positive reason and objective evidence. It creates a habit of believing entirely only in the physical and of doubting or challenging all that does not come into accord with one's own experience or one's own scope of understanding or square with one's own standard or sum of established knowledge.

It is the receiving and externalising intelligence which has two functions—first, to work upon external things and give them a mental order with a way of practically dealing with them and, secondly, to be the channel of materialising and putting into effect whatever the thinking and dynamic mind sends down to it for the purpose.

In the body its region is corresponding to the neck and the mouth.


  1. Business process designs and its applications come straight from the Externalising Mind and its practical ability to organise and improve outer life.
  2. Experimental material sciences rely on the power of the externalising mind and its search for proof and evidence.
  3. Research methodologies in general come from the Externalising Mind.
  4. Research and development activities require a considerable development of the Externalising Mind.

Modern education largely focuses on developing the externalising mind and its practical intelligence.

  • Externalising mind consciousness is concerned with all externalisation of the mind movements and mental forces; in speech, expression, the power to deal mentally with physical things etc.
  • It is the receiving and externalising intelligence which has two functions—first, to work upon external things and give them a mental order with a way of practically dealing with them and, secondly, to be the channel of materialising and putting into effect whatever the thinking and dynamic mind sends down to it for the purpose.
  • It depends on the sense-mind, sees only objects, external actions, draws its ideas from the data given by external things, infers from them only and knows no other Truth until it is enlightened from above.
  • It reasons, but on the basis of external data mostly—on things as they appear to the outer mind and senses or the habitual ideas to which it is accustomed or to a purely external knowledge.
  • Physical Science is a vast extension of this mentality. It corrects the errors of the sense and pushes beyond the first limitations of the sense-mind by discovering means of bringing facts and objects not seizable by our corporeal organs into the field of objectivity. However it has the same standard of reality, the objective, the physical actuality. Its test of the real is possibility of verification by positive reason and objective evidence.
  • It creates a habit of believing entirely only in the physical and of doubting or challenging all that does not come into accord with one's own experience or one's own scope of understanding or square with one's own standard or sum of established knowledge.
  • Narrowness and doubt which are the chief defects of the externalising mind.